Pictures from Snoromgård"


During the summer 2013 we changed the roof on the farm house. We did the work ourselves.



Frede is painting the skylights

Here is the final result from the farmyard.


Here is the final result from the garden.

Else and Maria have begun making Christmas decorations.


Here is the final result.


Decorated for Christmas in the dining room


Here are some short movies showing ”Snoromgård”.


This movie is about the construction on
“Snoromgård” during the years 2009, 2010 and 2011.

if you click on the picture, the movie  appears.


In this movie you can see air photos and photos from the garden.

if you click on the picture the movie appears.

Here the damages caused by the hurricane
on the 3rd of December 1999 can be seen.